Stenburg Spire

The Stenburg Spire was the main habitation zone and manufacturing hub for Beruni. The Spire suffered disaster on only the fifth day of fighting, as a stricken Traitor army transport fell from orbit and struck the hive in a deadly impact. Most of the above surface levels suffered catastrophic collapse in an event that has produced the largest single loss of life in the whole Reikholm campaign so far.

There is still strategic value in the site. The underground levels possessed most of the Spire’s manufacturing capacity and are largely intact. On the surface, the fallen mass of rubble, girders and shattered ship sections has created a highly defendable fortress of ruins.

Warzone: Beruni

Recommended modes: Zone mortalis, Tactical strike, Centurion, Front line, Titanicus

Recommended terrain: ruins, wreckage, rubble

Optional special rules: The Entombed Dead

Custom mission: consider using the City Fight rules in Book IV

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