Tanslo Astropathic Sanctuary

The teeming minds of the population of Beruni represented a significant source of interference for astropaths attempting to receive messages from out of system. The system’s astropathic sanctuary was therefore established on the more sparsely populated moon of Tanslo.

In one of the many infamies of this war, the resident astropaths have been pitilessly massacred by the IV legion. This terrible cull has left a permanent psychic imprint on the Sanctuary. It is now a dark, haunted place.

Warzone: Beruni

Recommended modes: Zone mortalis, Tactical strike, Centurion, Front line, Titanicus.

Recommended terrain: rocks, boulders, craters, sealed buildings, containers, landing pads, commas equipment and industrial machinery

Optional special rules: Cold Void, The Veil Is Thin, Low Gravity, Shattered Reality (see Book VII)

Custom mission: none

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